Mobile Apps
E-commerce websites, online stores, and web apps tailored to your business needs.
Extensive Possibilities for Use
We develop mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms, smartphones, and tablets. The app can function as a support channel for communicating with your clients and selling your products, and with the wide range of possibilities in terms of the app functionality and mobile devices, it can also serve as your internal tool for automation and process simplification.
Push Notifications
Mobile apps offer a unique way to send notifications to users in real time, creating an opportunity to share important information with customers without sending emails or text messages. If the customers use other accessories like smartwatches linked to their smartphones, the notifications will get to them even faster.
Popular Features
Mobile devices allow installed apps to benefit from many helpful and user-favorite features, including location services and GPS location, access to the camera and files, and the ability to connect to other devices via Bluetooth.
FRIO standards
See an overview of the technologies and standards that we use in our work.
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